Matt Dillahunty, The Atheist Experience, and SJWs

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Myusername

@ Myusername

Universal Health Care seems to be working well in France, UK, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Greece, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Spain.....maybe they just don't understand economics. Imagine.

Perhaps you should be elected grand Fuehrer and go educate them.

Even Bulgaria has a health care system..."Bulgarian healthcare is universal and state funded through the National Health Insurance Fund. Bulgaria spends around 4.2% of its GDP on healthcare and has around 1.8 doctors per 1,000 people, which is above the EU average"

Which kinda proves that there is only one true idiot writing on this subject and it isn't Nyar. So, back to cheating at Monopoly for you...and an early night.

Nyarlathotep's picture
myusernamekthx - Every SJW

myusernamekthx - Every SJW policy can be linked back to feelings being prioritized over truth, evidence, or logic.

myusernamekthx - That's why you're an SJW.

I suppose I'd be the last to know; but that really doesn't sound like me.

Sheldon's picture
You wouldn't know the truth

You wouldn't know the truth if zhe came up to you and gave you a big sloppy kiss.

Many countries have universal health care that is free at the point of use. So your rhetoric is based on your subjective political views and has nothing to do with truth.

I bet you are one of those people who are still pissed you can't use the word gay in its old context anymore.

Get over it, move on. Zhe is here to stay...or not, it's still unclear why you care, but I'd bet my life savings it has nothing to do with using correct language or semantics.

Sheldon's picture
"The extent of your knowledge

"The extent of your knowledge in economics can be found in the rules of the board game Monopoly and Saturday morning cartoons. "

Don't tell ze, those were the subject of your dissertation?

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "I call people who favor feelings over truth SJWs. Every SJW policy can be linked back to feelings being prioritized over truth, evidence, or logic. For instance, I bet you believe universal healthcare is a good thing because everyone would be insured, right?"

I not only think it, I can evidence it!

The United States spends twice as much per-capita as other developed countries on average, and nearly three times as much as the average for countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, yet it has the worst healthcare outcomes - the highest infant mortality, lowest life expectancy and highest amenable mortality - of 11 comparable, high income countries.

Sheldon's picture


a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

CyberLN's picture
@ myusernamethx,

@ myusernamethx,

Why do you refer to your god with “he”, “his”, “him”? Does your god have xy chromosomes? If not, then your god would be a perfect candidate for “zhe”!

Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: God is a zhe

@Cyber Re: God is a zhe

Dang-it! That's freakin' genius, Cyber! Why hasn't anybody thought of that before?

myusernamekthx's picture
"Why do you refer to your god

"Why do you refer to your god with “he”, “his”, “him”? Does your god have xy chromosomes? If not, then your god would be a perfect candidate for “zhe”!"

Words take on different meanings in different contexts. For example, a person may refer to a ship as "she," but that obviously isn't in reference to the physical nature of the ship.

But when human beings refer to other human beings as "he," that is taken to mean that they're referring to a person with XY sex chromosomes.

And when people refer to God as a He, they obviously don't mean that God is an old man standing on a cloud somewhere over Mississippi. He in this context refers to a masculine nature in the sense that God is a father and we are His children.

Going back to "zhe," it's meaning isn't clear in any context. Anyone can call themselves "zhe" and it doesn't relay any kind of information. It's just a made up word that has been categorized as a pronoun akin to me making up a word like "derba" and then categorizing it as a type of animal; and then when somebody asks me to describe the animal, I say, "Well, a derba is unlike all other animals."

CyberLN's picture
Every word is a ‘made up word

Every word is a ‘made up word’. How do you think language works?

Edited to add: Nice goal post move!

turning_left's picture


"Words take on different meanings in different contexts. For example, a person may refer to a ship as "she," but that obviously isn't in reference to the physical nature of the ship. But when human beings refer to other human beings as "he," that is taken to mean that they're referring to a person with XY sex chromosomes."

Pretty sure that YOU are the one that takes the rigid view that "he" means that the person has XY sex chromosomes. And that you still expect people to respect your choice to call your boat "she". Sounds like you're willing to give your boat more respect than another human.

Why do you care? If you can suspend reason long enough to call a boat "she" or God "he", why can't you respect a person's wishes regarding their pronouns?

Sheldon's picture
Wed, 05/09/2018 - 22:48

Wed, 05/09/2018 - 22:48
myusernamekthx "while it is true that words are man-made, they still refer to objective aspects of reality; and when they don't refer to objective aspects of reality, they cease to be words and are instead referred to as gibberish, nonsense, or babble."

Thu, 05/17/2018 - 12:13
myusernamekthx "Words take on different meanings in different contexts."

You mean like the word he or she, that you tried to claim are nonsense when using nuanced or contextual meanings, as with the use of zhe?
" Anyone can call themselves "zhe" and it doesn't relay any kind of information."

It's a gender-neutral pronoun, just as it was on the first page of your bigoted BS thread.
"God is a father and we are His children."

Your deity had coitus with every woman that has ever given birth, and all humans are his children? Your superstitious hokum aside, you're now using a word entirely out of context of it's primary meaning. I think I may be experiencing an irony overload.
""Well, a derba is unlike all other animals.""

You mean like your deity is unlike "all other fathers"?

Christ almighty but you're dumb, please tell me you're being deliberately obtuse?

turning_left's picture
I just don't get why you care

I just don't get why you care so much. I totally disagree with the idea that pronouns are a statement about chromosomes, but let's say you're right. If it is empowering to another human for you to use the "wrong" pronouns for them, why not do it anyway? What's so offensive about that? Making a little effort to benefit another person seems the right thing to do.

Also, do a little research on the suicide/depression rates of trans kids whose parents don't accept them as trans. And then on the suicide/depression rates of those with parents and communities that are affirming. These aren't whiny kids that just want their way, they're children suffering to the point of killing themselves. These views have consequences.

myusernamekthx's picture
This is how dumb people are

This is how dumb people are in this thread.

First, they think universal healthcare is actually free. Second, they don't think there are any trade-offs for artificially reducing the cost of medical supplies and services. They believe that either the government provides "free" health care for every citizen--or the government is greedy and evil by allowing the free market dictate prices. It's frightening how dumb a group of people can get without knowing it.

Sheldon's picture
I said "free at the point of

I said "free at the point of use", I neither said nor implied it had no cost. You should master some basic reading skills, and a fundamental grasp of English before mouthing off about others being dumb.

Dear oh dear...this from the man who implied only words that define scientific facts are valid.

Your posts are redefining the word dumb sunshine.

Sushisnake's picture


An Aussie and a Brit walk into a bar. The Aussie turns to the Brit and says "I'm fed up with Yanks telling me how universal single payer healthcare works. What a fucking joke! Reminds of the one about the blind men and the elephant. "

myusernamekthx's picture
"I said "free at the point of

"I said "free at the point of use", I neither said nor implied it had no cost."

Oh, that's even better. So when a person wants open-heart surgery, magically, that service, the surgeon's salary, and the cost of medical resources become free.

Is that what you mean?

So you're even more retarded than I had originally thought.

There are no free lunches, kid. When the government artificially reduces or eliminates the prices of medical supplies and services, there's a trade-off. This is because there's only a finite number of medical resources and the people who need those resources far outnumber how much resources there are. It doesn't matter if a given medical service's price is artificially reduced or eliminated once its needed or a year after it was used. The trade-off will still take place.

Sheldon's picture
Sorry but it's pointless

Sorry but you're clearly too stupid to bother with.

myusernamekthx's picture
Because I called you out on

Because I called you out on your retarded response?

I told you that there are repercussions to a government artificially reducing and eliminating the prices of medical supplies and services. If you don't at least understand this, then you're a dumb person.

But your response to me stating the obvious was, "Well, it's only free at point of use." Yes, but, dipshit, the service would still be paid for by general taxation; and the service and medical supplies cost would still be artificially reduced, which would lead to an inevitable trade-off that you've never thought of because you're ignorant of basic economics.

Now go back to watching the Big Bang Theory while pretending that your IQ exceeds 75.

Sheldon's picture
Sorry but you're clearly too

Sorry but you're clearly too stupid to bother talking to, if you can't read and understand what free at the point of use means, and it's clear you genuinely can't.

mickron88's picture
*sipping coke*

*sipping coke*

hey where is T-man anyway? he's missing the stupidest reply show...

anyway...go on "myusername"....i enjoy you're very brilliant thinking....go on...
*bite on a hotdog* *nodding rapidly* uhuh..and then *chewing*
you really have a good point "myusername" , go on...i'm really enjoying this....(oh i mean the hotdog, not you)
go on.......

mickron88's picture
"you're even more retarded

"you're even more retarded than I had originally thought."

so if she's retard? then what are you then?

oh..yeah.. you're more than retard, let me think....oh yes...schizophrenic thats what you are!!!

sush.....sedate me, (*pulling sleeves up*)

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "This is how dumb people are in this thread.

First, they think universal healthcare is actually free. "

No. No "they" don't. Those of us who actually live in countries with universal single payer public healthcare pay taxes to fund it. Americans pay taxes to fund their healthcare system, too- big taxes. Fucking huge, as I've already evidenced, but because Americans have a multi-payer, for-profit system, your taxes don't get you far. That's why your healthcare system is the joke of the first world.

"Second, they don't think there are any trade-offs for artificially reducing the cost of medical supplies and services. "

Have a look at the links I gave you previously re the trade offs. Off the top of my head, the trade offs are longer lifes, live babies and nowhere near as many people dropping dead from treatable illnesses for no good reason. What trade offs were you thinking off?

" They believe that either the government provides "free" health care for every citizen..."

Back to that again? For crissakes, man- get off the cat's tail and give the dog a chance! "They" don't think universal single payer healthcare is "free", because unlike you, "they" understand how and why it works.

Sheldon's picture
I thought he was trolling at

I thought he was trolling at first, but reading that last post from zhim was embarrassing. Zhe clearly thinks free medical care at the point of use implies there is no cost, so zhe's obviously too stupid to bother talking to.

Terminal Dogma's picture
I agree that SJW has become a

I agree that SJW has become a derogatory term in many circles and for good reason.

SJW is synonymous with self righteous, dim witted hysterical and intolerant folks that are scared of ideas and are against free speech.

They are the main reason I now regret and distance myself from the left.

Triggly Puff is the face of the left unfortunately.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TD

@ TD

"SJW is synonymous with self righteous, dim witted hysterical and intolerant folks that are scared of ideas and are against free speech."

Oh I thought that was "conservative" or "neo con". You know, those people who think that Universal health care and free, quality, secular education will cause John Wayne to revolve at such high speed in his grave that communism will rule in the United States. Terms interchangeable with "fucking idiot" or "unrealistic nostalgic for a non existent past" .

Terminal Dogma's picture
Conservatives are capable of

Conservatives are capable of debating ideas, SJW's are scared of ideas and shut down debate literally - Triggly Puff syndrome.

You must be a John Wayne fan because you default to him a lot @shouts. Personally I am more of a John Wayne fan than a Triggly Puff fan.

John Wayne was a successful actor, and much loved universal icon, Triggly Puff is a pathetic joke and failure at life.

Sushisnake's picture


"Conservatives are capable of debating ideas..."

Yeah. Their contributions to the debate on the War on Drugs and Christian Family Values have done so much for humanity! And kudos to Westboro Baptist church's work on LGBTI rights!

Wonderfully openminded folk, the Right! :-)

Tin-Man's picture
What the hell is a Triggly

What the hell is a Triggly Puff??? *totally confused look*

Terminal Dogma's picture
Triggly Puff is a name given

Triggly Puff is a name given to a real person who has come embody the modern left for a lot of people, will try link a vid.


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