The Nonbelievers & Godless Heathens of the Atheist Republic

Atheist Republic provides opportunities for non-believers around the world to gather with like-minded people, share their views and also provide each other with tools to better express themselves online and offline. We believe that atheists can proudly stand against the unfair judgment that so frequently plagues godless and non-religious people.

Atheist Republic advocates against religious and dogmatic teachings that promote violence and oppression. However, we also believe that most people in the world, whether religious, atheist, agnostic or just spiritual, are kind and peaceful by nature. We believe that by coming together, rational people can create a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

Our mission is to invite atheists to join each other and help lessen misery and suffering around us. Atheist Republic is a non-profit organization incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and is dedicated to unifying the already existing demands of many atheists for peace, liberty, justice and freedom of thought and expression everywhere in the world.

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Bringing you atheist articles and building active godless communities takes hundreds of hours and resources each month. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner.

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Atheist Republic Mission

What do you want the Atheist Republic mission and goal to be? How can we accomplish that? Send us your views.

We might add your answers on this page.

Here is what others from the Atheist Republic community have to say:

Curtis Robinson

Atheist Republic should address the challenges that Atheists face (internal & external attacks, building confidence, and more importantly connecting with others with similar views). As a Scientist and Atheist, I value the evidence-based pursuit of understanding the nature of life. As Atheists we should learn to arm ourselves with Critical Thinking and how to translate our thoughts into understandable food that others can readily absorb and utilize to their benefit.


...We should no longer be a generation of people hidden away in cyber-space commenting about what we think and believe. Maybe it starts with asking people about what life is like as an atheist, what were their most memorable moments, and moments that defined them as people, and share these in newspapers, social media, television, pamphlets, books, video-tributes etc.

[we could] Tell others who have left their previous faiths that it is perfectly normal to be experiencing what they feel, like loneliness, isolation, despair and wanting to be accepted, loved and a part of an understanding greater community... Support is the greatest thing we can offer to these people, and everyone else.

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Bringing you atheist articles and building active godless communities takes hundreds of hours and resources each month. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner.

Or make a one-time donation in any amount.


When living in the Bible Belt, it's great to have a community to go to where one is not ostracized for being a non-believer!
- Angela Usher
I am truly glad that you guys are here to provide a haven to atheists, freethinkers and heathens everywhere. Keep up the good work! You are greatly appreciated for what you do. Thank you.
- Lisa York Cox
Where else can I tell my buddy God, "enough with the father-son stories, it's time for the holy spirit to come." Freedom of expression, even if negative, deserves to be at least listened. AR guys are doing a great job, I'm sure the almighty won't mind.
- ALi F.
I have always been agnostic I guess.. I have always reasoned each and every act people do in name of their God and Religion. But I could never debate with Believers because I couldn't find enough points to describe how I feel, AR has helped me with enough facts to challenge the Religious evils present
- DocAedy
I was raised in a very conservative Christian background – Jehovah's Witnesses to be specific. When I was about 17, I joined facebook like any other teenager but with an added twist. I had been doubting the religion of my family for quite some time. Long story short, if it wasn't for Atheist Republic, I would still feel like religion is a life-preserver instead of understanding that it more resembles a noose. I owe you all so much for saving me from the barbaric ideals that I once held as holy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Ethan Roper
Brent P. Reid
Keep up the good fight AR. You're helping a lot of people.
- Brent P. Reid
I'm from The Netherlands. We have no such thing here as Atheism forums or websites, for the simple fact we have too many Atheists here I guess. I'm proud of all the work you guys are doing, we can not have enough atheists! It is growing worldwide.
- Marty A Jansen
I found you on Facebook and enjoyed what I saw and read. I have a desire to learn more about the thoughts and opinions of other atheists as I don't really know any personally. I am excited to check out more of your site and maybe make some friends who think like I do. Thanks for being here!
- Kristine
I have been a atheist for a few years now but I have never had any I can talk to about it. My entire family are Christians and when I bring it up, they get mad at me and try and convert me back to a christian. It always ends up in a fight between me and my dad. I have never truly felt alone in this world until I became a atheist But now that I have found this page and see that I am not the only one going through these types of problems, my life has been looking brighter and brighter and I don't fell all that alone any more. I'm happy this page is here and I'm happy that I have found it. I thank you very sincerely
- Dalton Shatswell
Fariz D'Cruz
Born in Malaysia to Muslim parents and grew up with Christians. I never been religious since small and I thought I was alone. Here I'm not alone and I'm found few friends from Malaysia
- Fariz D'Cruz
I just want to thank you for creating such a great community. I grew up in a pretty strict christian household and it wasn't until I went to college that I began to step away from religion. Recently I had my first child and my best friend's mother took upon herself to tell me that I was responsible for my daughter's spiritual health and even though I don't believe in god I needed to "save" her. After this happened a couple more times, myself and another atheist friend of mine put her in her place and she hasn't bothered me since. I began following Atheist Republic right before this happened and it was such an amazing thought to know that there were other people out there who shared my thoughts. Atheist Republic really helped me keep my sanity while going through the criticism. Thank you!
- Heather
Being in the atheist Republic has made me believe that there are humans out there who care about the way the world is in, and has given me moral support in being an atheist and thus enabling me to show my views on various issues.
Great interesting new field for my curiosity. I'm interested for it very much. I`m so happy to be in such group, with the people with a same opinion.
- Gorska Vila
am from Ghana; proudly Atheist. I always wanted to meet my fellow atheist to share ideal on how we can also educate people about their religion ignorance. It is time Africa Atheist to start preaching to eradicate the religion ignorant in our people. Thanks for this community.
- Marvins Emmanuel
Matt Bowyer
This page... gives me an outlet that I don't have in the real world, living in a small, conservative town, surrounded by religious family members that I don't feel like I can talk to (Not even my own mother). I don't feel so isolated knowing that there are other people going through the same experience as me.
- Matt Bowyer
I love this opportunity to share thoughts. As a Nigerian, I live in a country where everywhere you turn, you see religion in its diverse forms. Atheist republic is so much of an oasis for me. Here, I know that am not alone and I can be myself here and its really great.
- Pelumi
Daisy Josie Elliott
AR helped me to be able to proudly say I'm an atheist. Without feeling judged.
- Daisy Josie Elliott
I had false hopes for years, I saw friends of mine praying in vain, I questioned the existence of god to no avail. No one gave me answers. With AR, I have read, I have come to understand so much more. I love that I got to know about this site.
- Tiharihondijo Dickens
Having be surrounded and surrounded by people that look down on me of my disbelief, AR is the one place where that doesn't occur. I am very lucky to have a family that excepts me and a father that agrees with me, but it does still get kind of lonely being constantly told either "I'm going to hell" or "I'll pray for you Turner". Atheist Republic is freedom from all of the chained up minds of the bible, and I thank all who participate to make it what it is today. (:
- Turner Sutton
I Am Home :) :) :)
- Alex Shaw
I look for outlets like this to be around like- minded people. I'm new to Atheist Republic, so I am excited!
- L Hilbert
Donovan Jahnke
I don't know where to start! You give me hope I guess would be the biggest thing... Keep up the great work!
- Donovan Jahnke
Being an Atheist in an otherwise pretty religious town can get lonely at times. Luckily, the internet also has a place where I can talk with others about my belief in facts. Thank you Atheist Republic!
- Onno Wolters
AR allows an outlet for me to logically discuss and debate sometimes taboo topics. I feel part of an atheist family and that its ok to not be closeted in my beliefs!
- Jon Doyle
Dmc Dozz
I guess the reason why I can't be a Christian,is that I'm not so poor of character that I would even consider letting someone suffer in my place if I truly Deserved it. AR has helped me to see and know the world as it is..thank you
- Dozz
Dear Athiest Republic Community, You are doing a very good job by posting such content in the public sphere. It helps other atheists to understand that they are not alone in having a disbelief in a supernatural being and opposing ridiculous trends of religion. Knowing that other people share the same concerns as yours regarding the outrageous religious traditions also helps them emotionally and mentally. Last but not least, your posts in public spheres help people to be at peace being an atheist in the midst of all the religious dogmas. Once again, Thanks for creating such an online community. Kindly yours, Nagsen R. Kamble
- Nagsen R. Kamble
This website shows me how lost some people are and how hard their hearts are to the Gospel of Christ. They are blinded to the truth. It helps me know how to pray for the lost, that they would be convicted of God's deep love for them.
- God_loves_you
The growth and development of my Atheism has reached the point where I began to seek out books on the subject. Finding this site and Armin's book are a much needed resource and advocate. In solidarity Tom
- Thomas Papura
I'm just from somewhere in the EAST of AFRICA where the word "atheist" still suprises people, AR helped me to feel that I'm not the only one and this boosted my confidence! keep helping others especially here where we are still few !
- Arsène I. MUHIRE
Dawn Ruder
I came to Atheist Republic as a somewhat new atheist with no one to talk to about it. Since then I have acquired some of the best friends that anyone could ask for. We may not all agree on everything but we are supportive of each other. AR can really be a safe haven for somebody who has questions but nobody available to answer them.
- Dawn Ruder
You have no idea how this group has helped me by getting rid of stress. Whenever I have to come home from the cities I have to visit, I get to catch a breather from all the religious culture my country (Mexico) hangs all over the place. Although I have only been in the Atheist Republic Facebook page, I can firmly say that this site has a lot to offer, with tons of eager smart atheists to share. I wish I can do more for this site. I really do.
- Erasmo Vázquez
Vishank Singh
I belong to India, a place where religious compulsion has its own hue. Even after having many atheist friends, I have a special place for 'Atheist Republic' because here I get food for my inquisitive mind. I get new ideas about atheism, religion and faith over which I contemplate in order to derive certain rational conclusions about my position on faith and religion. I must say they are doing a wonderful job!
I became atheist since last year may 2014. I grew up in an Islamic family. AR is great platforum to express your thoughts and meet with same like minded people. I'm happy that now I'm a atheist - but now it's very hard for me to still live in an islamic state. Trying to found the way to get out from this state and live somewhere else with freedom.
- Sarah
I am from Zambia, the only country in the world where 'Christian Nation' is inscribed in the constitution and the President has vowed to rule by the 10 commandments, so the few Atheists here are forced underground. AR is the only place of refuge for me.
- Ed Chizu
Al Muzahid
Being an atheist is not easy who is living in a islamic country. I became atheist totally by myself and was depressed. I couldn't share it with anyone. But, eventually I found Atheist Republic on facebook. It was an amazing experience .
- Al Muzahid
Preston O'neal
One thing I explicitly enjoy about this group is that even through the good and bad experiences we all may have shared in this group, AR is deeply and inherently a group full of caring, kind-hearted individuals that enjoy the time they spend helping others in ways that many other organizations have attempted and failed to do. No matter what area of the world you may come from, there is a giant home for all of us to live in right here with a massive family of atheists who all promote and share different ideas that we can work together on to accomplish great things. And THAT is exactly what creates a good site on the internet. I am proud to say from an IT standpoint, that with your help, another wonderful addition to the global bandwidth of the internet has been made with both Atheist Republic Masterminds and now a support group linked within the AR website. I applaud the work and efforts of the administration and community alike.
- Preston O'neal
An individual is powerless against oppressive regimes of their country. The only long-term solution will come with education which is why sites like Atheist Republic are so important with the ability to bypass national frontiers and oppressive regimes!
- Pat Mc Ginley

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Bringing you atheist articles and building active godless communities takes hundreds of hours and resources each month. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner.

Or make a one-time donation in any amount.

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