Matt Dillahunty, The Atheist Experience, and SJWs

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Dave Crisp's picture
I know, I know....

I know, I know....

Everyone that doesn't agree with you is whiny, blah, blah, blah.... Get over yourself. Just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't mean they're whining. It means they disagree with you. Grow some fucking hair on your balls.

OH! I'm sorry! I forgot! People that feel traumatized over fucking videos can't possibly have any balls to begin with. My bad...

Sheldon's picture
Classic over compensation.

Classic over compensation.

I don't think you're in any position to lecture anyone on using ad hominem either.

Terminal Dogma's picture
Disagreeing is fine, it's

Disagreeing is fine, it's your whiney style that is mildly annoying.

Dave Crisp's picture


For someone who tried to get group therapy in an internet forum after watching a youtube video, you sure throw around the word "whiny" a lot...

Terminal Dogma's picture
Yeah, you mad, take a chill

Yeah, you mad, take a chill pill zhe.

Dave Crisp's picture
I'm not mad. Insisting I am

I'm not mad. Insisting I am doesn't make it true. You and little Sheldon have is some pathetic need to keep posting about what you wrongly infer my emotional state to be, as if that's some kind of intellectual argument. Is that really all you have?

I don't agree with you so I'm a bigot.
I don't just immediately apologize for not agreeing with you, so I'm stupid.
I don't give a fuck what you think so I'm whiny.

Yet, in all of your inane prattling, neither of you have managed to make any relevant case for why anyone should give two shits about "zhe".

How in the actual fuck do you two idiots manage to even jump out of bed in the morning without missing the floor?

Sheldon's picture
Maketakunai "I'm not mad."

Maketakunai "I'm not mad."

"How in the actual fuck do you two idiots manage to even jump out of bed in the morning without missing the floor?"

Of course you're not dear.
Yet, in all of your inane prattling, neither of you have managed to make any relevant case for why anyone should give two shits about "zhe".

Zhe is relevant to people who want it to be, it harms no one, it helps some people be at ease with who they are in a world that has shown them nothing but prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry. The fact it is a new word makes no difference to this, and deliberately ignoring it makes no sense since it costs you nothing to acknowledge people's wish to be treated as equals regardless of whether their view of themselves diverges from your perception of normal.

Now I've addressed your point AGAIN, so stop with the petty ad hominem and address them, *OR stop whining about being labelled a bigoted troll. Your choice.

Terminal Dogma's picture
"why anyone should give two

"why anyone should give two shits about "zhe"."

Too funny really, the only person on this thread who gives two shits and then some, about the zhe is the author of that quote.

@make, demonstrate you don't even give half a shit about the zhe but shutting the fuck up about the zhe, you can't your obsessed with the zhe.

Get over your issues and go hire a dime piece tranny hooker and move on with your life. You know you want it bad. Could be a beautiful thing bro, no shame.

turning_left's picture
"Get over your issues and go

"Get over your issues and go hire a dime piece tranny hooker and move on with your life."

Woah. While I get your desire to insult this dude, using a slur to refer to trans people isn't cool. It seems especially strange since this topic has been about humanizing/respecting trans people who use alternative pronouns. In case you just aren't aware: the word "tranny" is to trans people in a similar way that the "N" word is to black people. The word is dehumanizing and terribly disrespectful when said by anyone outside of that community. (It also seems like you might be implying that sex with someone who is trans would be gross? Which would be inaccurate and also cruel.)

Dave Crisp's picture
And again your point is

@ Sheldon
.And again your point is NONSENSE.

Saying I'm a bigot because it costs me nothing to be nice to people is idiotic. At best it makes me apathetic to the plight of people who think their naughty bits are special. At worst it makes me an asshole.

Even so, that is STILL not a compelling reason to accept your unsubstantiated opinion that these people are deserving of respect. Your non-reason only asserts your unassailable opinion that you believe it to be so.

{Edited to direct my comments to the person they are directed to}

Terminal Dogma's picture
You aren't in a position to

You aren't in a position to judge what is nonsense.

And stop playing the victim and keep saying I call you a bigot, you moron I have not used that word once. fucking low quality trolls these days.

Is one side of your brain calling the other side a bigot and you think you are reading it.

Dave Crisp's picture
Your butt buddy Sheldon has

Text removed by forum mod.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Maketakunai

@ Maketakunai

"At worst it makes me an asshole."

At last we agree,

CyberLN's picture
Maketakunai has left the

Maketakunai has left the building.

Sheldon's picture
Angrily? ;-)



Sheldon's picture
Should we warn Matt

Should we warn Matt Dillahunty that he's (not) angry and on the loose?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Sheldon - Should we warn Matt

Sheldon - Should we warn Matt Dillahunty that he's (not) angry and on the loose?

I think zhe will be OK.

Sheldon's picture
Very good, I enjoyed that.

Very good, I enjoyed that.

David Killens's picture
Wow, a very frustrated person

Wow, a very frustrated person who is not comfortable with zitz sexuality. I actually feel sorry for zit.

myusernamekthx's picture
"He" refers to a life form

"He" refers to a life form with XY sex chromosomes.

"Human" refers to a life form with human DNA.

"Zhe" refers to...?

If a person possessing XX sex chromosomes refers to themselves as a "he," then they're incorrect. For a person to correctly identify themselves as "he" one must possess XY sex chromosomes.

If a being possessing human DNA refers to themselves as a chicken, then they're incorrect. For a person to correctly identify themselves as "human" one must possess human DNA.

For a person to correctly identify themselves as "zhe" one must...?

It would seem that anyone can correctly refer to themselves as "zhe" regardless of their properties. The sufficient condition for correctly calling oneself "zhe" is that they feel like calling themselves "zhe," which is unlike other words and is more akin to a name rather than a useful descriptor like "human" and "he" are. What's more, a person can make up other words that fulfill this same criteria. I could make up the word "zubturd" and then start calling myself that. What's a "zubturd"? It's just a person who calls themselves a "zubturd," making it equivalent to "zhe." In other words, both "zubturd" and "zhe" are arbitrary and gibberish.

Like I've written previously, I'm not an atheist; yet, I can't help but feel bad about what's happening to the atheist movement. It has been infiltrated by SJWs and irrationality.

Nyarlathotep's picture
myusernamekthx - For a person

myusernamekthx - For a person to correctly identify themselves as "he" one must possess XY sex chromosomes.

When will you be publishing myusernamekthx's rules of order?

Nyarlathotep's picture
myusernamekthx - ...I can't

myusernamekthx - ...I can't help but feel bad about what's happening to the atheist movement. It has been infiltrated by SJWs and irrationality.

I find it difficult to take anyone seriously who uses the term social justice warrior (SJW). As far as I can tell: it is a pejorative term used to discredit people who are more progressive than the speaker.

Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: myuser - "...I

@Nyar Re: myuser - "...I can't help but feel bad about what's happening to the atheist movement."

Hey! When was I going to be informed of this? When did we start a movement? Dang-it.... I always get left out of the cool stuff. *pouting*

Nyarlathotep's picture
Must resist making joke about

Must resist making joke about "a movement". Or is it too late now?

Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: "movements"

@Nyar Re: "movements"

Yep. Too late.'

Christian movement - Holy Shit!

Atheist movement - I don't believe this shit.

Islamic movement - Blow up some shit.

Jewish movement - That's some expensive shit.

Catholic movement - Confess that shit.

Nihilist movement - I don't give a shit.

Sheldon's picture
SJW movement...I actually do

SJW movement...I actually do give a shit.

Am I the only one seeing the irony of this trolling bigot using a term that has become associated in common usage as a pejorative, when in reality it refers to people in what should be a complimentary way, whilst decrying a word for not being literally correct?

Sushisnake's picture


Re: " SJW movement...I actually do give a shit."

Me too, Sheldon. I always wonder if someone who states zhe's against SJWs is also against SJ, and most of the time it turns out zhe is.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Nyar, Far too late. Must

@ Nyar, Far too late. Must give you the shits...

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM

@ TM

I dunno mate I started a movement as soon as i read this thread. I think I will have lost several kilos by the time I recover from the epic stupidity and intolerance of some of these comments. Gives me time to read though...except when She starts banging on the door.

myusernamekthx's picture
"I find it difficult to take

"I find it difficult to take anyone seriously who uses the term social justice warrior (SJW). As far as I can tell: it is a pejorative term used to discredit people who are more progressive than the speaker."

Who cares what you take seriously? You and your Internet pals are constantly using pejorative terms. Stop being a hypocrite.

I call people who favor feelings over truth SJWs. Every SJW policy can be linked back to feelings being prioritized over truth, evidence, or logic. For instance, I bet you believe universal healthcare is a good thing because everyone would be insured, right? The thought of everyone being insured makes you "feeeeeeel" good, but I bet you've never taken a class or read a book on basic economics; and I bet you've never taken the time to think past stage 1 of your belief. The extent of your knowledge in economics can be found in the rules of the board game Monopoly and Saturday morning cartoons. You've never thought about the trade-offs involved in insuring every single person. You probably have some harebrained idea in your head that there are bunch of white old men in ivory towers stealing all the poor people's money, using it to buy cigars and hookers.

That's why you're an SJW.


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