Sikh soldiers prevailed against a three-decade-old government ban that prevented them from serving in the US Army with their beards and turbans.
Monsignor Carlo Liberati, an Italian Archbishop, has warned everybody: “In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity”.
The latest religious census showed that, for the first time, more Koreans consider themselves non-believers than those who say they are believers.
Even though atheism is legal in India, it doesn’t mean that being an atheist/agnostic in India is easy; actually it is still a cultural taboo.
Spain - Only 22.2 percent of 68,560 couples had a Catholic ceremony in Spain’s dwindling number of Catholic Churches in the first half of 2016.
Every January, the beach at Ouidah in Benin is becoming the place where thousands of voodoo worshippers head to the Gate of No Return monument.
A gay couple, Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen, has been named for co-pastors in Washington’s church and are set to begin their new jobs on Feb. 26.
Thai female Buddhist monks seek gender equality after being denied access to pay respects to dead King at the Grand Palace.
Catholic Church loses contraception battle after Rodrigo Duterte signed an executive order providing funds and support for modern family planning.
At a confirmation hearing on January 10, Jeff Sessions said he is “not sure” if a secular person understands the truth as well as a religious person.