Raif Badawi, the recipient of the One Humanity Award, could face a new round of lashes on a charge of "insulting Islam through electronic channels".
Trump’s cabinet picks, many of them evangelical Christians, could potentially undermine the teaching of evolution and climate change in schools.
Religious leaders called the US Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to deny an easement for the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline an answer to prayer.
Donald Trump is urged by hundreds of Muslim Americans to clearly and strongly condemn bigotry directed at any American, including American Muslims.
A Muslim woman’s request to wear a niqab while giving evidence in her damages claim against police was declined by Australian judge, Audrey Balla.
A woman took a picture of herself wearing a blue coat, bright skirt and boots and no hijab in Saudi Arabia and now faces calls to be executed.
Britain’s home secretary is being urged by MPs to allow refugees from the Yazidi community to enter the UK under the same rules as Syrian refugees.
One year after San Bernardino attack, citizens aim to prevent Muslim hate crimes by showing support and figuring out how to co-exist.
Report finds that a strict adherence to Jewish law treats child abuse survivors as outcasts and discouraged them from contacting secular authorities.
Trump’s pick for U.S. Secretary of Education is Betsy DeVos, whose husband Dick said that schools should teach intelligent design alongside evolution.