The RASIC study included a survey of over 20,000 scientists and nearly 80 percent of respondents believe that Richard Dawkins misrepresents science.
Indonesia’s top court is considering whether sex outside marriage should be illegal, under the influence of Islamists in the law reconstruction.
Chartreuse, Benedictine beer and marijuana crops in California—strange monastery products worldwide.
An independent candidate for the next Puerto Rican governor posted a video explaining why she considers herself an atheist.
Gretta Vosper, United Church minister who calls herself an atheist, is not suitable to continue her function according to committee’s recommendation.
How, after 10 years of landmark research, have Americans changed their attitude toward religious minorities, particularly toward Muslims and atheists?
The Romanian Constitutional Court cleared a way for a referendum on changing the definition of marriage as a union strictly between a man and a woman.
An online study examined how physical-world skills and knowledge predict religious and paranormal beliefs.
Sweden's first cemetery that prohibits religious symbology and welcomes atheists opened in Borlänge in central Sweden.
Nazi Paikidze is boycotting a world chess championship in Iran in February, despite the fact that winning that tournament is her biggest dream.