The Henagar Drive-In Theatre in Alabama announced it won’t screen the upcoming Beauty and the Beast because it has an "exclusively gay moment."
In the episode of the new CNN show “Believer,” Reza Aslan ate cooked human brain tissue with a group of cannibals of the Aghori sect in India.
Pastor Greg Locke was offended and pissed by personal “Thank You” card he received from Planned Parenthood because of financial help he didn’t donate.
Pope Francis is quietly reducing sanctions against pedophile priests and even refusing to defrock priests found guilty of sexually abusing children.
Steve Bannon, White House chief strategist, brings unwanted attention to Trump administration with his anti-Semitic sentiment.
A 42-year-old man who filmed himself while burning a Quran has been charged with blasphemy in Denmark, for the first time after almost 50 years.
Son of the famous boxer, plans lawsuit after he was detained by immigration officials at American airport and questioned for nearly two hours.
Justice Karen Horner said Emil Radita and Rodica Radita were equally guilty of murdering their 15-year-old son by withholding medical treatment.
Ken Ham called atheists insecure and afraid to let people be taught to think critically about origins, i.e. to let Creationism be taught in schools.
The Pennsylvania school district is about to remove a Ten Commandments monument from outside a high school, after a long standing federal lawsuit.