Bill Nye the Science Guy made a funny video using different flavors ice creams to mock ‘gay cure’ therapy and now receives death threats.
In India’s 2011 census, only 33,000 people declared themselves as nonreligious. India is a land of believers where atheists face hostility.
Repeated school prayer in Kansas school district violates separation of church and state and FFRF had to react by sending letter to school officials.
Jane Doe, together with a Wisconsin based FFRF recently filed the federal civil suit against Mercer County schools in order to stop religious classes.
Seventy-one students were sent home because of lack of required paperwork about immunization in Rochester and some parents aren’t happy about it.
SB 450 or the “Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act” for Schools would force public school students to participate in Christian prayers.
The bill to allow religion in schools in Kentucky was passed in the Senate with minimal opposition and if the governor signs, it would become law.
A mini-debate about religious expression in public schools in the Good Day Orlando show, showed different ways of thinking of two participants.
The AHA requests that Quanah Independent School District remove overtly religious messages displayed in a fourth grade classroom at Reagan Elementary.
Russian parents are complaining about attempts of a regional education department to impose religious propaganda on their children through a textbook.