Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed into law a bill that would allow elective Bible courses in public schools and it took effect Friday, June 30.
The ‘controversial’ “Origin of Life and Evolution” section will be removed from biology classes in high schools in Turkey starting in 2019.
Last week, Denmark abolished the crime of blasphemy, an offence that has rarely been prosecuted in the Scandinavian country.
Pope Francis gave a very symbolic gift to Donald Trump, his 184 page encyclical on climate change, in the hope that he would read and consider it.
Rabbis at the Scientific and Technological Institute deem fidget spinners, the most popular kids’ toy, kosher for Shabbat.
Instead of supporting a student who decided to give birth to a child, Christian school punished her by not allowing graduating with the rest of class.
Trump’s message - In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God - shows his unconditional support to the Christian community.
Kosaka Kumiko, nun at the Antonio Provolo Institute, a school for deaf children, is arrested on suspicion of helping priests sexually abuse children.
A new Florida bill, already approved by the State House, would allow more people to object to textbooks and classroom material used in public schools.
A Bartlett, Tennessee elementary school closed down a before-school Bible Club because Freedom From Religion Foundation sent them a warning letter.