Trump’s cabinet picks, many of them evangelical Christians, could potentially undermine the teaching of evolution and climate change in schools.
Trump’s pick for U.S. Secretary of Education is Betsy DeVos, whose husband Dick said that schools should teach intelligent design alongside evolution.
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a Kansas nonprofit group’s lawsuit claiming that science standards for Kansas public schools promote atheism.
The coach of a public high school has been forced to end his prayer tradition with his team because of a complaint from an atheist organization.
Youngstown Ohio Schools CEO removed controversial creation videos from the curriculum.
A principal in New York sparked outrage among staffers, students and parents after a bizarre wall mural in her school depicted her as a Hindu goddess.
A Muslim man in Switzerland was fined for forbidding his daughters from taking swimming lessons at school.
State-funded lessons in Islam would protect malleable children from radical ideologies, said the head bishop of the Evangelical Church.
A young teenager in Afghanistan braved grave threats from family and religious authorities to lead a women’s orchestra in the capital city of Kabul.
Federal officials along with local police have been investigating hate crimes that are directed towards Muslims at Idaho State University.