Fellowship Baptist Church from North Carolina displayed a strange sign which is indirectly comparing people who demand equal rights to Satan.
Recent research shows 55% of those in the United States say religion can answer “all or most” of today’s problems, an increase from May 2015 research.
Florida Police Department has been warned by FFRF because of sharing an article titled, “When God Created Police Officers” on their Facebook page.
A Republican congressman from Louisiana, former police captain Clay Higgins, urged Christians to unite in a Holy War against radicalized Muslims.
Last week, Denmark abolished the crime of blasphemy, an offence that has rarely been prosecuted in the Scandinavian country.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin offered a “solution” to increasing violence in Louisville, too unrealistic even for the devout.
Church of Scotland made a step towards performing same sex marriages and it apologized for historical discrimination against lesbian and gay people.
Pope Francis gave a very symbolic gift to Donald Trump, his 184 page encyclical on climate change, in the hope that he would read and consider it.
Christian evangelical and fundamentalist theme park is celebrating its first anniversary and Tri-State Freethinkers organize Ark Encounter Protest.
Instead of supporting a student who decided to give birth to a child, Christian school punished her by not allowing graduating with the rest of class.