A Georgia teacher presented a poem to middle school students describing god as “a mythical creature like a unicorn”, angering some Christians.
America’s changing its religious identity if it’s judged by the single largest survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute.
West Auckland pastor from Bible Baptist Church Logan Robertson preaches gay people should be shot the moment they kiss at the altar.
The official motto of the U.S. “In God We Trust” would appear above an American flag in every library and classroom in Arkansas due to a new law.
Hurricane Harvey that hit Texas isn’t designated as a punishment from God for the sins of the people as the previous hurricanes, the question is why?
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church received a hateful letter because of its principle to be inclusive and to accept a wide range of people.
Dying With Dignity Canada plans to file a lawsuit challenging Ontario’s religious exemptions for doctor-assisted death at Catholic hospitals.
Christian school told young boy who was allegedly repeatedly raped by four eight-grade students two years ago to “turn the other cheek.”
In a radio program hosted by Kevin Swanson few days ago, he and his co-host agreed that public schools teaching gender identity ought to burn down.
Which is the crucial factor which determines one’s poverty? Is it lack of effort on their own part, or difficult circumstances beyond their control?