Roadside Sign Endorses Sin and Perversion, Angry Christian Wrote

St Andrews

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church from San Antonio, Texas is, unlike many others, inclusive and, according to their official site, it attracts a wide range of people: racially, socio-economically, theologically, educationally, politically, sexual orientation-wise and more. They are “not just “liberal” or “conservative.” Diversity is the main motto of this church which is the part of Episcopal Tradition. Episcopal Tradition has roots in the ancient church before there were any official denominations. The purpose of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is to “be a more loving, accepting, inclusive community, equipping everyone for ministry.”

The diverse composition of the believers is exactly what bothered someone who sent a rude letter to the church. A staffer received it and shared it with Christian Nightmares.The breaking point of the letter was the inclusion of the LGBTQ words. This is the example that a welcome gesture can cause such terrible reaction:

“Thanks for discouraging a child of God who’s trying to follow Christ in this evil world. Thanks for making it harder for me to teach my children right from wrong in this corrupt culture when we drive by and they can see your sign endorsing sin and perversion. Why don’t you also list murderers, adulterers and child molesters on your sign if it’s sinners you’re reaching out to? The clear implication of your message, listing things like young, old, black and white, implies that homosexuality is just another difference between people and not a behavior against God and against nature.

The banner they put in front of the church welcomes all: old-young, rich-poor, straight-gay-bi-ace, male-female-transgender-questioning, etc. That roadside sign made someone really angry because he wrote in this hateful letter:

“I guess you think your sign is cute and clever. It isn’t. It’s shameful. But like so many others in our society today you’ve lost your sense of shame, your ability to tell right from wrong… your mind brain-washed by the idiot box and the internet instead of renewed by God’s Word.”

Instead of becoming more tolerant, as this church gives an example, people find a reason to hate someone because they are different and that must be changed.

Photo Credits: Tumblr

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