Pope Francis is quietly reducing sanctions against pedophile priests and even refusing to defrock priests found guilty of sexually abusing children.
Justice Karen Horner said Emil Radita and Rodica Radita were equally guilty of murdering their 15-year-old son by withholding medical treatment.
Ken Ham called atheists insecure and afraid to let people be taught to think critically about origins, i.e. to let Creationism be taught in schools.
The Pennsylvania school district is about to remove a Ten Commandments monument from outside a high school, after a long standing federal lawsuit.
Pope Francis has delivered another criticism of some members of his church by suggesting it is better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic.
Since Trump’s election sanctuary churches have doubled their number to 800 and Ohio mosque would be the first mosque to join sanctuary movement.
On “The 700 Club” on February 15, Pat Robertson argued that people who are working against Trump are actually working against the will of God.
A mini-debate about religious expression in public schools in the Good Day Orlando show, showed different ways of thinking of two participants.
The AHA requests that Quanah Independent School District remove overtly religious messages displayed in a fourth grade classroom at Reagan Elementary.
The 9th Circuit Appeals Court found that Trump’s travel ban violates the Equal Protection Clause and declared it religiously discriminatory.