Megan Fox, a mother of two who loves Jesus and America but hates evolution, took a trip to Chicago’s Field Museum to prove the bias against creationism.
According to a recent report, the figures for blasphemy cases in Indonesia have soared during the reign of former Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Orange County School Board may be reconsidering its policy on the distribution of religious literature after the Satanic Temple said it would distribute some.
A former member of Faith Assembly released a video showing how his congregation did not allow patients necessary healthcare facilities because of religious reasons.
Political commentator and comedian Bill Maher bashed the founder of Mormonism, accusing him of being a polygamist and calling his religion a 19th century sex cult.
From 2015 onwards, the names of religious holidays like Yom Kippur and Christmas will no longer appear on the school calendar of another school district in Maryland.