The Senate passed a new resolution that urges the United States to strive towards abolishing anti-conversion and blasphemy laws around the world.
Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Barack Obama spoke of his trip to India and drew attention to the country’s religious differences.
Education officials in Great Britain are closing a Christian school after its staff failed to teach students to be more tolerant of other religions.
A church in New York City pursues its battle to rent public school buildings for religious services despite the Mayor refusing to overturn the ban.
Man was awarded $150,000 after claiming he was forced to retire for his religious beliefs.
People went nuts about a controversial billboard ad targeting religious freedom bill.
The government and several faith groups in Luxembourg officially signed an agreement that reorganizes the relationship between church and state.
A Christian mother in Cordova, Tennessee, was furious after she saw tail lights on a school bus that vaguely resemble an occultist pentagram.
A recent study conducted among middle aged Britons has revealed that women are approximately two thirds more likely to believe in God than men are.
Senator Orrin Hatch praised the United States Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a ruling that allowed prison inmates the right to wear a beard.