A few of the people awaiting trial on grounds of having violated Pakistan’s blasphemy law may now be able to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
According to several members of the clergy, Facebook has been targeting them and blocking out their profiles for including their titles there.
A Mormon was excommunicated earlier this month for refusing to shut down a popular website that offers doubting church members a safe haven to chat.
A court in America has reaffirmed the right of religious organisations to require their employees to abide by faith-based rules.
Indiana’s Senate passed a bill that would allow religious organizations to discriminate against employees based on religion, even in state contracts.
The owners of a bakery in Oregon, who refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, were found guilty of violating anti-discrimination law.
Stephen Fry, a forthright atheist, left a television host baffled recently when he shared what he would say when confronted by God.
With the construction of Iceland’s first temple to Norse gods since the Viking age scheduled to begin, islanders will be able to worship Odin and Thor.
Decapitated bodies have emerged after a wave of child murders, with one suspect telling the police God asked him to cut off children’s heads.
A jury in Orleans County, New York, found a pastor guilty of having molested two of his own grandchildren.