Malaysia, an officially secular state, is now threatened to gain the reputation of country with repressive regime because of persecution of atheists.
Members of China’s ruling party must be “firm Marxist atheists” according to new guidelines by Wang Zuoan, the head of religious affairs regulator.
Despite the fact that almost one quarter of Americans are religiously unaffiliated, the Trump administration makes no effort to reach out to them.
The radio station KPFA in Berkley cancelled an event in August with Richard Dawkins because he allegedly used “abusive speech against Islam”.
In “gifted” girls case, parents from Pennsylvania were sentenced to up to seven years in prison, while the perpetrator was found guilty on 17 charges.
The investigation showed that at least 547 young members of the Regensburger Domspatzen boys’ choir were subjected to physical abuse over six decades.
An in-depth report by ABC News is focused on domestic violence and religion which often encourages women to stay in an abusive relationship.
A new bill may block medical students at public universities in Wisconsin from even learning how to perform abortions.
The European Court of Human Rights backed Belgium’s law which bans people from wearing clothing that partially or totally covers the face in public.
Sam Rohrer doesn’t think that the repeal of the Johnson Amendment would change anything in the pulpits because pastors have never been muzzled.