A new NHS Digital report released the data about female genital mutilation in England and it showed over 5,000 new cases of FGM in UK since 2016.
The Ten Commandments monument which was donated to a Catholic school must be installed for only $25,000 instead of originally planned $75,000.
In a new video on YouTube, world’s top religious leaders are sending an interesting message -Make friends with people of other faiths.
According to the site Daily Caller, a new study showed that atheists are less tolerant of dissenting opinions than their religious counterparts.
The ‘controversial’ “Origin of Life and Evolution” section will be removed from biology classes in high schools in Turkey starting in 2019.
The Czech Republic is the most secular country among Central and Eastern European neighbors with as much as 66% of adults who don’t believe in God.
The number of hate crimes against Muslims has increased several times and reached the figure of 54 incidents a day since London Bridge attack.
The Ipsos poll, conducted for Global News, showed that more than half of Canadians say they believe religion does more harm than good in the world.
Recent research shows 55% of those in the United States say religion can answer “all or most” of today’s problems, an increase from May 2015 research.
Florida Police Department has been warned by FFRF because of sharing an article titled, “When God Created Police Officers” on their Facebook page.