Anthony Levandowski, a successful Silicon Valley engineer, created a religious group called “Way of the Future” which worships artificial intelligence.
Brazil’s Supreme Court allows state schools to be confessional, meaning that teachers are permitted to promote their religious beliefs during class.
The controversial Singaporean YouTuber Amos Yee has finally been granted asylum after being in a U.S. detention facility since December.
The Scottish Episcopal Church faces punishment because overturning the Anglican canon law stipulation that marriage must be between a man and a woman.
A former Colorado student sues her school district for anti-atheist discrimination and seeks damages for economic losses and emotional distress.
GOP senators are proposing bill which would make houses of worship eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance program grants.
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry promised at the Louisiana Family Forum gala in Baton Rouge “We will get prayer back in public schools”.
New evolution survey shows that the majority of Britons, including adherents of the major faiths, now accept evolutionary theory.
In 2015 India was ranked the deadliest country in Asia for journalists by Reporters Without Borders, and the events in 2017 confirm that this is true.
The Humanist Society’s results showed that 72.4% of Scots are not religious, which raises concerns about Scottland’s official statistics on religion.