Tajikistan draws up list of gay and lesbian citizens who will be required to undergo testing to halt the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
The First United Methodist Church in Austin announced there will be no more weddings until clergy are allowed to marry same-sex couples.
New technologies make gender transitions easier; Pope Francis says this "utopia of the neutral" jeopardizes the creation of new life.
Atheists win lawsuit against TX Governor Greg Abbott who ordered FFRF's winter solstice Bill of Rights Nativity to be removed from the Texas Capitol.
FFRF Co-President and atheist activist was rejected from delivering an invocation to the House and judge decided that no one was responsible for that.
New religious guidelines released on Friday give religious groups broad protection in cases where their faith conflicts with federal regulations.
More than 40% of countries have a preferred or favored religion, a new Pew Research Center analysis of data covering 199 countries in the world shows.
The Scottish Episcopal Church faces punishment because overturning the Anglican canon law stipulation that marriage must be between a man and a woman.
Department of Justice argued in front of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals that employers should be able to fire people for just being gay.
A former Colorado student sues her school district for anti-atheist discrimination and seeks damages for economic losses and emotional distress.