A 20-year-old man living as a refugee in Germany has fled to his homeland, Iraq, in order to escape his arrest over the rape and murder of his 14-year-old girlfriend. His girlfriend had been missing for days before police found her buried body.
Oregon principal and school resource officer have been fired after discriminating against LGBTQ students by making them read the Bible as punishment.
After more than hundred years, the arrangement between the Mormon Church and the Boy Scouts of America is coming to an end.
Oklahoma and Kansas have approved bills that grant protections to adoption agencies who cite religious beliefs for not placing children in LGBT homes.
Allegedly, LGBTQ student was being forced to read Bible passages as a sort of punishment along with discrimination in Oregon school district.
The USCIRF cited over twenty countries as main contributors to an “ongoing downward trend” in religious liberty worldwide.
Jehovah's Witnesses seen as a threat to themselves, their children, and public safety in Russia; two local residents were detained.
Kenyan Court will decide on April 26 if Kenya would become the second country on the African continent to decriminalize gay sex.
The senior Church of England bishop equates the struggle to persuade the church to be truly inclusive to LGBT people to the fight against slavery.
CNN: Politics reported on an allegedly anti-Semitic speech by Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan has been the leader of the Nation of Islam since 1977.