Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave powerful remarks against religious bigotry and its fight against women’s and LGBTQ’s rights.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has loosened its hiring policy and lifted a ban on “absolute prohibition” on hiring homosexuals and transgenders.
The AHA, together with FFRF and AU, filed a formal appeal on a judge’s decision that Humanist beliefs could not qualify as a religion.
US court rules Trump’s travel ban is unconstitutional; Trump’s official statements were examined in the ruling against the discriminatory travel ban.
Judge from the Victorian Supreme Court withdrew an unexpected move - he forbade the wife of an accused terrorist to attend the trial wearing burka.
Malaysian court said on Jan. 29 that both parents must consent on minor’s religion and ended the long-standing struggle of a Hindu mother.
Church Clarity announced that the 100 largest churches in America are lacking in three critical areas of diversity - sexuality, race, and gender.
Jamaica banned American hate preacher Steven Anderson from entering the island because of his homophobic messages and spreading of faith-based hate.
Bangladesh and Myanmar agreed about the return of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims, but the biggest problem is their still undefined status.
Unrest in Iran has resulted in more than 20 deaths and over hundreds arrests in demonstrations that turned into a fight against the entire regime.