You couldn't make it up...

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Randomhero1982's picture
You couldn't make it up...

You literally couldn't make this up, Bangladeshi religious folk, in all there infinite wisdom... decided to hold a mass prayer of healing verses to combat coronavirus.

Obviously many Bangladeshis are rightly pissed off at these intellectually defective skidmarks!

How can people still be this stupid?!

Link to the report in the event that you cannot read from the attached screenshot...

It's at 12:50 on the daily feed.



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David Killens's picture
It isn't just those morons in

It isn't just those morons in Bangledesh. I saw an article yesterday about a megachurch that held services this last Sunday, thousands in attendance.

Randomhero1982's picture
Oh trust me, I can fully

Oh trust me, I can fully envisage all of these theocratic dipshits partaking in the sale of snake oil...

RVBlake's picture
The Catholic Diocese of

The Catholic Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota plans to continue celebrating Mass, while allowing parishioners to stay away.

Lion IRC's picture
Parish priests are probably

Parish priests are probably going to keep saying Mass even if the church is empty.

Cognostic's picture
Once someone develops a habit

Once someone develops a habit it's really hard to break. Say for example, having sex with donkeys. Hell, a person might be in therapy for years and still never change.

David Killens's picture
@ Cognostic

@ Cognostic

"Once someone develops a habit it's really hard to break. Say for example, having sex with donkeys. Hell, a person might be in therapy for years and still never change."

Why change donkeys once you find a good one?

Cognostic's picture
@David: Yes, there is that!

@David: Yes, there is that! And it does help to be in a country where Donkey Sex is legal.

Whitefire13's picture
How about this:

How about this:

“ Many Iranians have ignored calls by the health authorities to stay at home, and shops and restaurants remained open in the country.”

dogalmighty's picture


Not surprising, considering their whole healthcare system is based on quranic suggestion and woo woo magic. Really.

Religion took them from iv antibiotics to camel piss.

(dog shakes his head)

Tin-Man's picture
In regards to the OP, "You

In regards to the OP, "You can't make this shit up," here's a little head-scratcher for you... (or maybe I should say a "head-banger"... you'll see...)

People around these parts were in panic-buying mode for a few days. Toilet paper, bread, milk, sugar, medications, and a few other odds-n-ends were getting depleted from the stores quicker than the stockers could get them on the shelves. Many of those things are still difficult to acquire, even though panic mode has seemed to settle down a bit over the last few days. And the news has been talking about mandatory quarantine/statewide lockdown for a minimum two week period. (Thankfully, that turned out to be bad info that got reported.) Nevertheless, those were the conditions when the following discussion took place between my wife and one of her coworkers....

My wife (to coworker): "We are already prepared for this sort of thing because we like to maintain an emergency supply of stuff in case of storms or long-term power outages and things like that. But we have spent the last couple of days rounding up a few little odds-n-ends to supplement what we already have. Been kinda tough to find a few things, though."

Coworker: "Yeah, it is ridiculous out there. The one thing that upsets me the most though is that nobody had any SUGAR anywhere. I couldn't believe all the sugar was gone! And that really upsets me because now I won't be able to feed the hummingbirds that visit my house every year."

Ladies and gentlemen, I kid you not, according to my wife that woman was dead-serious. Out of sheer involuntary reflex, I about busted my nose with a brutal face-palm. And after a brief moment of recovery, I said to my wife, "Really, I almost wish you had not told me that." W..... T.... F is WRONG with people???... *shaking head in dismay*...

Whitefire13's picture
TM ... living out here -

TM ... living out here - ditto... My community ‘round about is about the same - due to weather, power outages, etc.
Our big panic buying was the potatoes and onions :)

boomer47's picture


Yair, I keep running into the mentally unaware.

There's this bloke at my mens group, who has some rather different opinions from myself. (Hard to believe I know) Eg.Who built the pyramids? Why aliens naturally . So far I've managed to change the subject before I say something quite nasty about his parents.

The last utterance was last Wednesday; that the coronavirus is no worse than the annual flu and will soon blow over. He thought I was being extreme for declining to attend the usual community lunch. Held in a dining room with other groups and local geriatrics who think $8 for a 3 course meal isn't bad. About 40 geriatrics all told. The mens group has since been closed until further notice. A pity, it's usually quite good.We have speakers and outings , with two minders. The only drawback is that almost all the people l liked have recently died ( 6 in the last 2 years) We really need some newer blood, preferably under 80 and in good health.

dogalmighty's picture


"So far I've managed to change the subject before I say something quite nasty about his parents." ROTFLMAO.

Mr. 1947, you have every right to correct stupid people...I would go as far to say, it is your duty to humanity.

Cognostic's picture
For most people this is

For most people this is actually true. It is not worse than the normal flue. At the very same time, if you happen to be unlucky, (One of the 1 in 50) you will get pneumonia and the flu can turn life threatening.

So your friend is the sort of idiot who will not recognize the seriousness of the current flu, not worry much about it and end up with pneumonia. You on the other hand, seeing the seriousness of it, will take care of yourself, realize it is serious and probably get through it without a hitch.

Whether the flu you catch is mild or more severe, like any flu, it is those over 65 and the very young who are at the greatest risk and that is true whether or not full blown pneumonia develops. Flu season, every year, kills hundreds of thousands of people. This virus is reported to be as severe as.... well here are the stats....

Whether you get a mild case or a serious case; THE FLU IS ALWAYS SERIOUS.

dogalmighty's picture


"For most people this is actually true. It is not worse than the normal flue."

You are incorrect...see comparison chart below.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Cognostic's picture
Sorry, you are comparing the

Sorry, you are comparing the USA to China. China, the people who held their Chinese New Year in an infected area because they didn't want to admit it was a problem? Really?

Let's stick to China where estimates have been officially overblown.
"In a rare piece of good news about Covid-19, a team of infectious disease experts calculates that the fatality rate in people who have symptoms of the disease caused by the new coronavirus is about 1.4%. Although that estimate applies specifically to Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak began, and is based on data from there, it offers a guide to the rest of the world, where many countries might see even lower death rates.

The new figure is significantly below earlier estimates of 2% or 3% and well below the death rate for China based on simply dividing deaths by cases, which yields almost 4%. While it is still higher than the average 0.1% death rate from seasonal flu, it raises hopes that the worst consequence of the coronavirus will be uncommon. (NOT ALL CASES ARE REPORTED: Statistics are gathered only from reported cases. Those are the cases that get bad enough to seek hospitalization.)

Cutting against that optimism is the expectation that, because no one was immune to the new virus, “the majority of the population will be infected” absent the quick arrival of a vaccine or drastic public health interventions such as closing public places and canceling public events, the scientists conclude in a paper submitted to a journal but not yet peer-reviewed."

I wish I had the WHO video but can't find it. I will post it if I can. WHO rates it as a "mild" virus. "In 80% of known cases, COVID-19 causes mild to moderate illness, according to a report of a joint World Health Organization-China mission of 25 infectious disease experts held in China late last month." Updated on March 17 at 5:06 p.m. ET

Don't Panic. (Isn't that on the Hitch Hiker's guide to the Galaxy?) Take care of yourself and you should be among the 80%

dogalmighty's picture


As far as the pathogen goes, the chinese data has the most complete denominator of all data availible. It is the best data for mortality, transmisability, and sickness severity, availible...Irrelevent of their new year celebration.

You should read this.

PS. I'm trained not to panic.

algebe's picture
@Cognostic: It is not worse

@Cognostic: It is not worse than the normal flue.

It's worse than the "flue" for those that smoke like a chimney.

(Sorry. Couldn't resist that one.)

The current flu is extremely serious for the elderly, but then most diseases are more serious for them. People who've compromised their lungs through heavy smoking are also at risk.

But the unfolding economic catastrophe triggered by this epidemic will be very serious for people in poor countries. We might suffer shortages of toilet paper and sugar. They will be unable to get basic food supplies and medicines if their incomes stop. People will suffer, and many will die. Economic meltdown will also trigger violent conflicts.

We need to find a way to control this disease without shutting down entire industries.

Whitefire13's picture
IMO - China is highly

IMO - China is highly controlling and a “crack” in their unilateral authority occurred only recently when there was some form of apology for “shutting down” the doctor that first brought Covid-19 to public attention in December (he died in February). Also the reports that China was cremating bodies not registered...I trust them about as much as I trust my ex. ‘Cause everything is “fine and dandy” there...

dogalmighty's picture


Well, why would the chinese doctors associated with the WHO, report to them an underestimate of projected mortality rate? When saturation is reached in italy, we can do the same projection on mortality rate in a different country. Stay safe.

Whitefire13's picture
I’m waiting for other

I’m waiting for other countries to report ... you two, to :)

Cognostic's picture
The WHO is putting out

The WHO is putting out excellent videos. I have posted some in another thread. Get official information from the WHO.

Sheldon's picture
Left work and quarantined

Left work and quarantined myself this morning. I'm pretty sure given my circumstances it's nothing more sinister than a cold, but spoke to boss and couldn't in all conscience stay at work. Had a mild sore throat for around 48 hours, but have started to cough, knew it was a cold this morning really, so under current guidelines in UK had little choice.

7 days minimum, and seee if all symptoms have ceased.

Luckily I'd been shopping early yesterday morning, as it was the first time I'd seen fresh chicken and veg in almost a week. There were people queuing around the corner at Tesco, made me want to puke watching some of them cram their fucking trolleys. Anyway I prob have enough to last 7 days, which is just as well as i live alone now.

I even have some Lemsip Extra and Night Nurse in the cupboard...

Whitefire13's picture
@Sheldon... get well. You

@Sheldon... get well. You men and your “colds”. Can you still order in? Or have groceries delivered?

Sheldon's picture


I have enough food for a week or so. Will try not order any takeaway food, minimise contact as much as...

I'd normally not even take time off for this, but as annoying as I find it it is the responsible thing to do...

Edit to remove hilarious typo

Whitefire13's picture
Self isolating is the thing

Self isolating is the thing to do now.

When I grocery shop, I’m tempted to hang a sign around my neck that reads “feeding 3 teenage boys - not hoarding” or “smoker’s cough” lol. Seriously (weak laughter). Some old guy accidently coughed in the dairy isle and some 35 yr old guy looked like he was going to kill him...

Fleeing in Terror's picture
Take care. Too bad I can't

Take care. Too bad I can't send you some of my husband's chicken soup. He is a really good cook.

David Killens's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

Take care, I will be thinking of you.

Sheldon's picture
Thaank you David, and

Thank you David, and everyone else. Still have a bad cough, but still not convinced it's anything but a bad cold. Day 3 anyway, and we have also isolated my 81 year old mother who has COPD, and my 26 year old niece who lives with her, who has cerebral palsy.

So much for the perfection of design argument, if this is god's plan he she it can fuck right off.

dogalmighty's picture
Thinking of you Sheldon...not

Thinking of you Sheldon...not much I can do for you from this side of the pond...maybe amazon you some TP? Get well soon.


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