Once upon a time, religious organizations could go about their "godly" business cloaked in mystery and shadows.
About the Author
Hi folks, Andrew McArthur here. As a musician and writer, I’m not usually without something to say. I am also incredibly fortunate to be among the few who’s right to speak remains sacrosanct. I believe those of us who can speak out, have an obligation to those who cannot. The dogma of faith; the father of lies is an anathema to reason. The faithful are marching, endlessly marching toward the fires of superstition and fear. Extremist views scream loud. What shall our answer be?
Once upon a time, religious organizations could go about their "godly" business cloaked in mystery and shadows.
For all those who assume a special significance in the Cosmos, science can be really annoying.
So...you say you hear voices?...Tell me about your mother....
The less likely an assertion, the more belief is required to stomach it.
Religions simply cannot be trusted over the long term.
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