A synopsis of Ken Ham’s arguments at the Creation Debate and an anti-theist’s responses to them.
About the Author
I am a 19-year-old female born in a Christian/Catholic family. Raised in a religious town and home, it never occurred to me to question my faith until my late teen years. A passion for science has fueled me towards a goal of learning everything I possibly can about our beautiful world and the intricate laws which balance it. My favorite fields include biology and chemistry. I am currently in school, working toward my goal of a doctorate in Medical Science. With this degree, I hope to research and develop cures for the prevalent diseases and disorders throughout the globe. When not in school, I am a nanny, substitute teacher, and a writer. I also enjoy singing, reading, sketching, volunteering with animals and children, and creative writing.
A synopsis of Ken Ham’s arguments at the Creation Debate and an anti-theist’s responses to them.
How might atheists grieve differently from the religious? Coping with loss and what to expect as you grieve.
A look into the worldview of the religious and why it seems they do not mind their deity blessing them, yet ignoring others.
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