According to Rome Reports, Cardinal Antonio Marto argued that the main issue for the religious is the actual lack of interest in religion.
According to a new study, a rise in secularization generally has preceded economic growth over the past century.
According to Dead State, there was a bizarre claim by Rick Wiles about a “brown invasion” as a punishment from God for abortions in America.
According to Memri TV, Dr. Samir Taqi Al-Din, an Egyptian scholar, made recommendations for The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Anti-atheist sign was put up and then taken down at a high school in North Carolina.
Time magazine reported on the murder of a 13-year-old boy who made fun of religion during a fight. The killing happened during a sleepover.
Dr. Leo Igwe wrote on the impression of Africans being both theistic and highly religious. He recounts surveys describes these two facts as true.
Deaths because of sorcery are increasing in Papua New Guinea mostly following an unexplained death in the community, which was blamed on the witches.