On May 7, 2022, Haribhushan Thakur Bachau, BJP Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the eastern State of Bihar, said that Muslims “should be set ablaze just as Hindus burn Ravana effigies during the festival of Dussehra.”
On Sunday, February 13, the attendance at the Global Vision Bible Church in Tennessee heard a bizarre closing to their service. When the service was about to end, the church’s pastor, Rev. Greg Locke, began telling his church about the witches amongst them.
On Wednesday, November 10, Hindu devotees flocked to the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi to observe Chhath Puja. Despite the foaming waters caused by various forms of pollutants dumped into the river, the devotees were unfazed by the danger. People stood knee-deep, reciting prayers; others submerged themselves completely.
Witnesses described chilling events in a statement released by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (PDD) of Jamaica on Wednesday, November 3. The unnamed witnesses recalled the event in the Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Church that left three people dead, including a human sacrifice victim.
On Friday, October 29th, the Delhi High Court instructed Twitter to take down posts from the Atheist Republic account. The court refers to the "objectionable" tweets depicting the Hindu goddess Maa Kaali in a sensually revealing pose.
On July 20, the leader of the sex cult NXIVM, Keith Raniere, was ordered by the court to pay for the removal of his initials branded into his female members. The total cost of the restitution is $3.5 million for the 21 victims. The cost includes the surgery for removing the brands, mental health therapies, and unpaid labor rendered by NXIVM's members and employees.
According to a recent survey by the Pew Research group, every 2 in 3 Indians express strong opinions on interfaith marriages and would actively like to stop them. The survey result indicates that most Indians like to believe that India is tolerant of other religions while they themselves oppose interfaith relationships.
A 41-year-old Christian woman claims to have married the Holy Spirit after abandoning her husband of 20 years in a bizarre incident in Kenya. A mother of six, Elizabeth Nalem married the spirit on May 25 in the small town of Makutano, near Kapenguria in the western part of the country. The ceremony took place in the presence of high-ranking local officials from the Anglican Church of Kenya.
The founder of the Ayurvedic brand Patanjali, Baba Ramdev, made controversial comments regarding COVID vaccines. A video surfaced on the internet on May 24 where Ramdev was seen commenting in one of his Yoga sessions that many people have died from COVID-19 after taking both doses of the vaccine, including 10 thousand medical practitioners.