A woman from New Jersey filed a court case against the state, after being refused a vanity plate that read “8THEIST”, but “BAPTIST” was allowed.
Christian Republicans, believing the U.S. is a nation founded by Christians alone, intend to establish Christianity as America’s official religion.
The Air Force snubs a civil liberties group who sought to court-martial a two-star general for delivering religious speech in uniform to credit God.
Bill O’Reilly believes secular media in America have been marginalizing people of faith for so long that a shift in religious identity is inevitable.
An interactive map shows that religious people live mostly in impoverished suburbs while nonreligious individuals live mostly in affluent areas.
Atheists in Egypt launched a campaign for the formation of a new political party that would be comprised of atheists, secularists and liberal thinkers.
A secular group wants to get rid of chaplains in some college basketball teams on grounds that such programs violate the separation of church and state.
Having failed to secure a new space after the sale this year of its home in Manhattan, the Museum of Biblical Art is expected to shut down in June.
Student union representatives and chaplains at University of Bath ordered references to Mohammed and Jesus Christ omitted from a comedy show.
A group near Nashville is trying to open a church, except that only weeks earlier, the same group tried to open a swinger’s club in the same location.