In the episode of the new CNN show “Believer,” Reza Aslan ate cooked human brain tissue with a group of cannibals of the Aghori sect in India.
Monsignor Carlo Liberati, an Italian Archbishop, has warned everybody: “In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity”.
The latest religious census showed that, for the first time, more Koreans consider themselves non-believers than those who say they are believers.
Every January, the beach at Ouidah in Benin is becoming the place where thousands of voodoo worshippers head to the Gate of No Return monument.
The IHEU has released its annual report, which indicates the degree of discrimination and persecution against non-religious people around the world.
The last Associated Press investigation about Islamic State shows that most ISIS recruits (self-evaluation) have only a basic knowledge of Islam.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report on adjudicating claims for religious exemptions from otherwise applicable nondiscrimination law.
The RASIC study included a survey of over 20,000 scientists and nearly 80 percent of respondents believe that Richard Dawkins misrepresents science.
How, after 10 years of landmark research, have Americans changed their attitude toward religious minorities, particularly toward Muslims and atheists?
An online study examined how physical-world skills and knowledge predict religious and paranormal beliefs.