A temple entry issue raged in the village of Melpathi in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, where some members of upper-caste Hindus blocked a local temple and even threatened to immolate themselves to stop Dalits from entering.
A female engineer in the Indian state of Gujarat committed suicide after her in-laws allegedly pressured her to perform Sati, an ancient, now illegal practice in Hinduism where a widow sits on top of her deceased husband’s funeral pyre.
More than a year after a landmark case in Nigeria that saw atheist Mubarak Bala imprisoned for expressing his views on religion, a US congressman took up his case and joined in the calls to free Bala.
A homeless man in St. Paul, Minnesota, was arrested on May 17th for setting a mosque on fire. He told authorities he burned the building to protest homelessness.
Ya Allah. This is the fourth arson attack on our community in less than a month. My thoughts are with the Muslim community in St. Paul and the whole Twin Cities metro. We are stronger than fear. We will not be terrorized. https://t.co/UgxPc6tYsX
A new report from a non-profit and non-partisan research center reveals that fewer Americans see religion's importance in their lives than a decade ago, showing how the religious landscape in the United States has changed dramatically.
"The importance of religion in the lives of Americans is on the decline."https://t.co/w7t12q89Sm
A new global religion survey by Ipsos discovered that 8 out of 10 urban Indians believe in the existence of God and claim to be comfortable around different faiths amidst rising Hindu nationalism and sectarian violence in the country.
A jury convicted a 49-year-old mother in Idaho on May 12th for killing her two children and her current husband’s late wife in a bizarre triple murder case that has perplexed many in the state since 2019.
Lori Vallow Daybell was found guilty of conspiring to murder her two children, 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 16-year-old Tylee Ryan. Lori Vallow Daybell was also convicted of grand theft, and she will face another trial in Arizona for her involvement in the murder of Charles Vallow, Lori’s fourth husband, a businessman, and a member of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS) church.
Human rights activists say Libyan authorities arrested six Libyans last March for converting to Christianity and proselytizing. They said the Libyan Christians were accused of violating laws being used increasingly to stifle human rights organizations and civil societies.
A lawsuit was filed against the State Department of the US government for discriminating against a guard when he was allegedly forced to shave his beard to keep his job at the agency.
The case was filed on May 3rd by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on behalf of security guard Devin Brooks against the US State Department and State Secretary Anthony Blinken. The suit stated that the agency “denied permission to maintain a beard longer than ½ inch,” as required by Brook’s Islamic faith.
A sweeping new report by the UK government’s faith adviser has been published, making it the most comprehensive review of the relationship between the British government and the country’s many religious organizations in more than a generation.