
Betrayed by Diversity? Pride Flags Banned in First Muslim-Majority US City

When the city of Hamtramck in Michigan elected the first Muslim-majority city council in the United States in 2015, many liberals celebrated not just because of the international attention it gathered but because it demonstrated the strength in diversity and showed a strong response to the Islamophobic rhetoric that was then central to the presidential campaign of Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Christians & Muslims Unite in Forcing Kids into Anti-LGBT Protest

An unusual alliance was formed between Muslims and far-right, conservative Christians in Canada, where they protested against “gender ideology” and attacked a local school board in Ottawa after providing support for LGBTQIA+ students.

‘Business Jihad’: The Plot to Drive Out Religious Minorities in India

As Hindu nationalism continues to rise in India, the country’s minorities, particularly Muslims, find it more challenging to keep up with their lives due to increasing sectarian violence and tensions between Hindus and other religious communities.

With the persistent spread of hate crimes against Muslims in India, since the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party assumed power in 2014, a small town in the northern state of Uttarakhand has recently become a new focal point in continuing tensions between Muslims and Hindus in India.

Spiritual U-Turn: Are Youth in the Middle East Embracing Religion Again?

While countries such as the United States are seeing a decline in religiosity and certainty about belief in God, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is seeing a significant resurgence in religiosity, particularly among the country’s youth.

That’s according to the new results of the Arab Barometer’s seventh wave of surveys, conducted between 2021 and 2022. These surveys by the nonprofit research network aimed to get a view of rates of religious observance among those living in the Arab world.

Birthplace of Martyrs: The Afghan Valley that Idolizes Its Suicide Bombers

The transition from insurgency to governance was never easy for the Taliban when it seized power in Afghanistan after a coalition of foreign forces led by the United States fled in 2021.

Some of the Taliban’s fighters were so used to jihad and fighting they reportedly felt bored when they had to switch their weapons to paperwork. In an Afghan valley that raised some of the organization’s best and most ardent fighters, some regret that they haven’t fulfilled their duties as suicide bombers for the Taliban.

Taxpayer Dollars for Catholic School? Oklahoma Shakes Nation's Secularism

Oklahoma gave the green light to establish the first religious charter school in the United States on June 5th, opening a new set of debates on the separation of church and state in public education.
