Directed by Eli King and written by Shia cleric Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, The Lady of Heaven has become a topic of controversy. Released on June 3rd, the movie sparked numerous protests across the United Kingdom as many from the Muslim communities deemed it to be "blasphemous" and "spreading false information about Islam."
Ajmal Haqiqi, an Afghan model and YouTuber, found himself in a difficult situation with the Taliban. Haqiqi and his colleagues had allegedly insulted Islam in one of their recent videos that resulted in their arrests.
In the nearly 300-page report of an independent investigation, the first correlative study of the immense Protestant sect of Southern Baptists, several top clergy members were found to have minimized, ignored, and even vilified sex abuse survivors who came forward for help.
The Associated Press (AP) acquired more than 10,000 names of Muslim minority Uyghurs from Konasheher County who were imprisoned due to China's "war on terror." The leaked data reveals that nearly one in 25 Uyghurs in that county received prison sentences based on trumped-up terrorism-related charges, achieving the highest incarceration rate in the world.
On May 7, 2022, Haribhushan Thakur Bachau, BJP Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the eastern State of Bihar, said that Muslims “should be set ablaze just as Hindus burn Ravana effigies during the festival of Dussehra.”
On May 2, Politico published a damning article on how the U.S. Supreme Court plans to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. The article rapidly cascaded into the masses, prompting a diverse reaction from both the right and the left of America's political spectrum.
For the third year, the United States panel on international religious affairs recommended labeling India as one of the "countries of particular concern." The report accuses India and other countries of engaging or tolerating "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations" of religious rights.
Atheist Republic’s Twitter account, the largest atheist account on the platform, has been suspended yet again. Susanna McIntyre, the CEO of Atheist Republic, reports that she was met with an “Account Suspended” notification when she tried logging in to Atheist Republic’s Twitter on Friday, April 1st, 2022.