The police have arrested several teenage girls in Shiraz, Iran, for not wearing a hijab at a "Skateboarding Day" event. Shiraz police chief Faraj Shojaee said that several girls took off their hijabs at the end of the sporting event, breaking the country's religious beliefs and legal norms. The police have also arrested several of the organizers.
A lone gunman killed two people and injured 21 in a shooting at a gay nightclub in central Oslo, Norway. The Norwegian authorities suspect this may be an act of Islamist terrorism. The police have arrested the gunman and started an investigation, searching for others who may be involved in the attack.
In the Mopti region of central Mali, more than 130 civilians were killed in attacks by suspected Jihadists. Armed men massacred innocent civilians in Diallassagou and the two surrounding towns of Diamwelli and Segue. The government blamed the Islamist extremist group Macina Katiba.
On Friday, June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v Wade, landmark legislation holding back anti-abortion laws on the state level. Americans have been the most divided as a nation since last week.
On June 21, a radical Islamist mob stormed the Maldives' national stadium to intimidate and attack the people participating in the "Yoga Day" event organized jointly by the Indian High Commission and the Maldivian government. The police arrested six people for perpetrating the violence.
On June 20, in Mansoura, Egypt, a student was stabbed to death in front of her university after refusing a colleague's marriage proposal. Nayera Ashraf is yet another victim of violence against women in the country.
On June 16, in a daily press conference, US State Department spokesman Ned Price responded to a query about the insulting comments against Prophet Mohammed made by two BJP leaders in India. Price responded that the remarks made by members of India's ruling government were offensive, and the US condemned their actions.
The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the two Christian families that filed a lawsuit and subsequent appeal against the exclusion of religious institutions in Maine’s tuition assistance program. On June 21, six of the nine supreme court judges voted that the state cannot prevent parents from using public subsidies to send their children to religious schools.
On June 12, 2022, a youth belonging to a Muslim family in Maharashtra, India, was arrested for making posts on social media where he criticized the Prophet Muhammad, condemned the violence in his name, and called upon citizens of India to reject all religions. Earlier in the day, the 19-year-old engineering student was confronted by a Muslim mob that raided his home and assaulted him.
Believers of Islam were infuriated by the remarks of some politicians of India's ruling party, the BJP, claiming that Islam and the prophet had been insulted. Nidhal Siam, a Palestinian Islamic scholar, recently held an anti-Indian rally at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in protest.