In “gifted” girls case, parents from Pennsylvania were sentenced to up to seven years in prison, while the perpetrator was found guilty on 17 charges.
A new bill may block medical students at public universities in Wisconsin from even learning how to perform abortions.
Henriette, a 17-year-old Christian girl, was allegedly murdered by her father because of dating a Muslim boy in the central Israeli town of Ramle.
A new NHS Digital report released the data about female genital mutilation in England and it showed over 5,000 new cases of FGM in UK since 2016.
Mariah Walton, awaiting a heart and lung transplant, is blaming her parents for faith healing and thinks they should face criminal charges for that.
Rabbis at the Scientific and Technological Institute deem fidget spinners, the most popular kids’ toy, kosher for Shabbat.
Instead of supporting a student who decided to give birth to a child, Christian school punished her by not allowing graduating with the rest of class.
The "Freedom to Serve Children Act," Texas’ HB 3859 is allowing adoption agencies to discriminate against potential parents on the basis of religion.
House Resolution 1004 passed without any debate on Monday in Oklahoma City equals abortion with a murder of innocent unborn children.
A Bartlett, Tennessee elementary school closed down a before-school Bible Club because Freedom From Religion Foundation sent them a warning letter.