Non-religious families are raising their children and teaching them to ask questions without religion.
Exit polls in Ireland suggest that the margin of victory for the Yes side in the referendum about abortion will be 68 percent to 32 percent.
Young ultra-Orthodox Jewish girls and especially boys are getting poor education which makes them unable to find proper jobs.
Oklahoma and Kansas have approved bills that grant protections to adoption agencies who cite religious beliefs for not placing children in LGBT homes.
Tennessee Senate passed a bill that would require Nashville to erect a monument dedicated to unborn children or victims of abortion.
A 36-year-old woman from North Carolina is accused of attempting to steal babies; she claims she was just trying to give them bibles.
Alabama Evangelist, Acton Bowen, has been arrested on new felony charges involving child sex abuse crimes.
According to Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in Idaho, punishing women with death penalty would cut abortions.
A Tennessee pastor, who openly opposed the bill against discrimination based on sexual orientation, has been arrested for molesting children.
Fox News reporter, Anthony DeStefano, argues that the atheists of today are bullies working to silence the religious with intimidation.