The Ipsos poll, conducted for Global News, showed that more than half of Canadians say they believe religion does more harm than good in the world.
Islamic cleric mixed up The Simpsons episodes and said that its aim is to convince people it’s possible to predict the future as they predicted Trump.
The Henagar Drive-In Theatre in Alabama announced it won’t screen the upcoming Beauty and the Beast because it has an "exclusively gay moment."
In the episode of the new CNN show “Believer,” Reza Aslan ate cooked human brain tissue with a group of cannibals of the Aghori sect in India.
Steve Bannon, White House chief strategist, brings unwanted attention to Trump administration with his anti-Semitic sentiment.
On “The 700 Club” on February 15, Pat Robertson argued that people who are working against Trump are actually working against the will of God.
A mini-debate about religious expression in public schools in the Good Day Orlando show, showed different ways of thinking of two participants.
On Monday, the White House released a list of 78 terror attacks carried out in the US and abroad since 2014 and none involves Christian terrorists.
Nat Hentoff, an eclectic columnist, anti-abortion atheist, novelist and jazz music critic, died Saturday at age 91, according to his son Nick Hentoff.
Certain U.S. broadcasters are promoting a so-called “War On Christmas”, instead of spreading festive joy like their religion, Christianity, requires.