A teacher at a UK grammar school was suspended over a mug depicting an image of the Prophet Muhammad. The unnamed teacher from Colchester Royal Grammar School in Essex was photographed carrying the mug in the playground.
The same mug has also been repeatedly "shown off" during class discussions, The Daily Mail reported.
The mug features an image from the cartoon series Jesus and Mo.
On April 3, the Taliban announced that they would ban the cultivation of opium poppies. A spokesman from the Taliban warned that farmers might be “jailed and their crops burned if they harvested poppy,” DW reported.
Atheist Republic’s Twitter account, the largest atheist account on the platform, has been suspended yet again. Susanna McIntyre, the CEO of Atheist Republic, reports that she was met with an “Account Suspended” notification when she tried logging in to Atheist Republic’s Twitter on Friday, April 1st, 2022.
A woman has been accused of stabbing her date in a Nevada hotel room on March 5. According to court documents submitted by the police, the 21-year old Nika Nikoubin wanted revenge for an Iranian leader killed by an American drone strike in 2020.
Nikoubin met the victim online through the Plenty of Fish online dating website.
On February 11, South African president Cyril Ramaphosa and communications minister Khumbudzo Nthsavheni signed a proclamation enacting the Internet Censorship Act of 2019. The law gives extensive censorship power to the Film and Publications Board (FPB).
An Egyptian journalist's statement sparked outrage among Egypt's hardline Islamists, accusing the journalist of committing "contempt of Islam." Ibrahim Issa, an outspoken critic against Muslim groups, claimed on Friday, February 18, that the Prophet Muhammad's journey to Jerusalem never happened.
Bajrang Dal group members were booked for allegedly harassing couples in public places on Monday, February 14. The extremist ring-wing group picked on boys and girls spending Valentine's Day in Paliwal Park.
A couple from India got married through a blockchain wedding, marking the first digital wedding in India powered by the cryptocurrency's infrastructure.
After a stabbing incident in Sefton Park, Australia, a young Muslim woman was left recovering in an intensive care unit. ABC News reported that the 21-year old suffered a "perforated kidney, lacerated liver, and significant internal bleeding."