A woman from New Jersey filed a court case against the state, after being refused a vanity plate that read “8THEIST”, but “BAPTIST” was allowed.
Christian Republicans, believing the U.S. is a nation founded by Christians alone, intend to establish Christianity as America’s official religion.
In Pakistan’s Punjab province, as many as 106 people were charged for lynching and murdering a Christian couple, after accusing them of blasphemy.
A Muslim youth in Mumbai filed a complaint against a company, alleging that they discriminated against him, refused to hire him on religious grounds.
The Air Force snubs a civil liberties group who sought to court-martial a two-star general for delivering religious speech in uniform to credit God.
In order to recruit more staff to carry out the rising number of death sentences in Saudi Arabia, the kingdom published an ad for eight executioners.
Even before the Supreme Court has delivered its landmark verdict on gay marriage, Christians across America are opposing the judiciary’s decision.
Amos Yee Pang Sang, teen blogger, was found guilty of posting an offensive picture and making hurtful comments with the intention to insult Christians.
A Jewish religious teacher was one of the 11 men that were busted during a statewide child porn sting operation, which was carried out mid May.
Authorities in Egypt arrested five Coptic Christian youths after a Muslim mob accused them of blasphemy, saying they mocked Islamic State in a video.