The AHA, together with FFRF and AU, filed a formal appeal on a judge’s decision that Humanist beliefs could not qualify as a religion.
Iceland proposed a bill that would make this Nordic Island country the first country in Europe that banned male circumcision.
The Florida House of Representatives approves bill to post “In God We Trust” in a conspicuous place in all public schools, after the Mass shooting.
A city in New Mexico owes $700,000 in legal fees for the ACLU after they lost the Ten Commandments monument case.
Judge from the Victorian Supreme Court withdrew an unexpected move - he forbade the wife of an accused terrorist to attend the trial wearing burka.
Prayers are powerless and Senator Marco Rubio accidentally admitted that after another school shooting that recently happened in Florida high school.
Denmark may be the next European country to introduce a ban on full-face veils because “it is incompatible with the values in Danish society.”
Religious doctors who oppose assisted dying must refer terminally ill patients to a doctor who will help them, Ontario’s Divisional Court ruled.
Malaysian court said on Jan. 29 that both parents must consent on minor’s religion and ended the long-standing struggle of a Hindu mother.
Pastor Andy Savage received standing ovations during the service because of confession he made about sexual assault that happened 20 years ago.