United States moves its embassy to Jerusalem and the move could lead to turmoil in already unstable region.
Young ultra-Orthodox Jewish girls and especially boys are getting poor education which makes them unable to find proper jobs.
Leaders of a paramilitary religious sect in western New Mexico are facing new charges after they were first charged with kidnapping and child abuse.
Tennessee Senate passed a bill that would require Nashville to erect a monument dedicated to unborn children or victims of abortion.
Jehovah's Witnesses seen as a threat to themselves, their children, and public safety in Russia; two local residents were detained.
The former priest from Australia is on trial for 18 charges of rape and acts of indecency allegedly committed against the minor girl in the 80s.
A 36-year-old woman from North Carolina is accused of attempting to steal babies; she claims she was just trying to give them bibles.
Hement Mehta reported on Alabama State Rep. Harry Shriver who considers the arming of schoolteachers as an ineffective way to protect students.
Alabama Evangelist, Acton Bowen, has been arrested on new felony charges involving child sex abuse crimes.
Saudi Arabia adopted a new policy allowing women to ride bicycles and more changes are coming.