President Barack Obama signed a bill on June 30, approving Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day Prayer to be added to the World War II Memorial in Washington DC.
A New York federal district judge said that a public school was right in forcing a Christian teacher to remove Bible-themed materials from her classroom.
Shelby Township authorities have said they will ignore a letter that criticizes the recent inclusion of the phrase “so help me God” to the standard oath by Clerk Stanley Grot.
A Christian therapist who works for the National Health Service was disciplined and banned from discussing her faith at the workplace after she allegedly bullied a Muslim colleague.
A former builder who is now paralyzed and the widow of a man who suffered from locked in syndrome lost their right-to-die fight at Britain’s Supreme Court but said they were hopeful that change would eventually come through.
In a recent survey titled Beyond Red vs Blue: The Political Typology by Pew Research Center, there is no striking difference between Republicans and Democrats as far as their views on politics, family, faith and the role of the government are concerned.