A judge in Iran sentenced a Christian man to having his lips burnt with a lit cigarette because he ate food at daytime during the holy month of Ramadan.
A three-judge panel recently ruled that a cross-shaped beam from the demolition of the World Trade Center can continue to be displayed at the 9/11 Museum.
A scientist filed a lawsuit against California State University, saying he was fired from his job after finding soft tissue on a fossil supporting his creationist views.
ACLU sued Warren as well as its mayor Jim Fouts after an atheist resident was not allowed to set up a reason station next to a prayer station at City Hall.
Tension continues to grow over an eruv in Miami Beach as the city defends it against atheist groups who have compared the Jewish symbol to the Islamic Sharia law.
A group of Christian rappers is suing pop star Katy Perry alleging that part of her new hit single Dark Horse has been stolen from them and irreparably tarnished with messages of paganism.