According to Rome Reports, Cardinal Antonio Marto argued that the main issue for the religious is the actual lack of interest in religion.
Speaking to a delegation of Italy’s Family Association, Pope Francis said that the only legitimate families are headed by straight parents.
Vatican document precedes a meeting of Catholic bishops from the Amazon, suggests they think of new ways to allow the faithful to serve.
Pope Francis told Italian bishops, during a closed-door meeting with them, to reject potential priests if there is any sign they might be gay.
Monsignor Carlo Liberati, an Italian Archbishop, has warned everybody: “In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity”.
Hindus recently launched a campaign urging museums in Rome and Paris not to display the iconic Barbie doll as the deity Kali in their exhibitions.
Italian prosecutors launched an inquiry into a religious procession in Catania in Sicily, that paid homage to a convicted mafia don this month.
Muslim migrants, who were attempting to flee to Italy from Libya onboard a boat last week, reportedly pushed 12 fellow passengers overboard, thus killing them, because they belonged to a different religion. According to police officials in Italy, the 12 pushed overboard happened to be Christians, and 15 suspects have been arrested for causing their deaths at sea.
A man was kneeling in prayer before a statue of the Virgin Mary in Perugia when five Muslim vandals attacked him before desecrating the figurine.