A Muslim man recently filed a lawsuit against a gym in Greater Cincinnati that allegedly refused to let him pray in the locker room.
British ministers rejected a petition to ban the religious slaughter of animals, thus accepting the practices of Muslim halal and Jewish shechita.
During a meeting with the country’s religious minorities, Iran’s Supreme Leader said non-Muslims have never been harassed in his Islamic Republic.
All India Faizan-e-Madina Council announced a monetary reward to anyone that kills a Muslim cleric who had called Shiva the first messenger of Islam.
Talking of ways to counter religious extremism, the top cleric of Al-Azhar recently spoke of education reform across Islamic countries.
A student in Ismailia was sentenced to one year in prison by an Egyptian court earlier this month on grounds of contempt of religion.
Turkey’s atheist community recently joined forces with the country’s religious minorities to protest compulsory religious education in schools.
TV host Eric Bolling was disgusted at President Obama’s comments about the Crusades and the Inquisition, saying only Muslims kill for religion.
Close to 10,000 British Muslims gathered at Downing Street to protest offensive depictions of Prophet Mohammad in several western publications.
The Supreme Court in India ruled out having several wives for Muslims, saying polygamy is not a basic right for those who practice Islam.