On June 15, Facebook has outlined the company’s plans to fight terrorism online pointing out its clear stance in the post titled “Hard questions.”
Taimoor Raza has been sentenced to death because of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on Facebook with a counter-terrorism official.
Fellowship Baptist Church from North Carolina displayed a strange sign which is indirectly comparing people who demand equal rights to Satan.
Florida Police Department has been warned by FFRF because of sharing an article titled, “When God Created Police Officers” on their Facebook page.
Last week, Denmark abolished the crime of blasphemy, an offence that has rarely been prosecuted in the Scandinavian country.
Facebook’s lack of appropriate tools for the protection of harmful contents results in shutting down the largest page for atheists – Atheist Republic.
22-year-old blogger and law student Ruslan Sokolovsky faces 3 ½ years in prison for playing Pokemon Go in historic church in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Bill Nye the Science Guy made a funny video using different flavors ice creams to mock ‘gay cure’ therapy and now receives death threats.
A 31-year-old Farook Hameed was murdered because of his campaign against religious fundamentalism and efforts to spread rationalist thought.
Amos Yee, the 18-year-old blogger who was jailed twice in his homeland Singapore, has been granted asylum in the United States as a political refugee.