
Indian Restaurant in Bahrain Shuttered for Denying Entry to Hijabi Woman

Authorities shut down a restaurant in Bahrain after a manager refused entry to a woman wearing a hijab. The Tribune News of Bahrain reported that the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibition Authority (BTEA) shut down the restaurant.

A video on social media of a woman explaining what had happened at Lanterns Lounge & Restaurant in Adliyah caught the attention of Bahrain’s authorities.

Indian Muslim Shopkeepers Banned From Selling At Hindu Festival

Muslims are banned from setting up temporary shops during a biennial Hindu festival. Organizers of the Kote Marikamba Jatra, a celebration held every two years in Shivamogga, Karnataka, have blocked Muslim vendors from setting up stalls.

Kote Marikamba Jatra is a fair festival held every other year in February or March. The center of the festivities is the Marikamba Temple, a temple dedicated to the Hindu goddess Marikamba Devi.

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of FBI in Case of Spying On Muslims

On March 4, the United States Supreme Court overturned a ruling from an appellate court in favor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The supreme court unanimously ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) has lesser precedence over state secrets privilege.

State secrets privilege allows the federal government to "block the release of any information in a lawsuit" if its release can lead to a breach of national security.
