A Muslim Member of the Greek Parliment now faces a threat of thorough surveillance for national security reasons. New Democracy deputy parliament speaker said, "If a Muslim MP might give information to [Turkey], from where migrants can enter the country, why should he not be checked [surveilled]? Here national security takes precedence."
On September 12, The Danish Commission for the Forgotten Women's Struggle, an organization of Denmark's ruling Social Democratic Party, announced a proposal to ban hijabs for students across Danish elementary schools. They believe that banning hijabs in elementary schools will put a stop to religious discrimination and promote equality.
On August 24, the proposal was approved by the Social Democratic Party, which reviews the policies of many European countries. It is one of the nine recommendations to prevent "honor-related social control" of women from minority backgrounds.
In an ongoing battle between religious rights and anti-discrimination laws, a New York City Jewish University has announced it will “pause” all student groups following a US Supreme Court decision allowing an LGBTQ group on campus.
Bigotry personified: Yeshiva University abruptly announced that it had placed all undergraduate club activities on hold — the latest maneuver to keep from recognizing an LGBTQ student group. https://t.co/yGaEDrjDiQ
Two LGBTQ rights activists were sentenced to death in Iran for allegedly promoting homosexuality. Activists Zahra Sedighi-Hamadani and Elham Chobdar were charged with “Corruption on Earth,” a vague yet lethal charge.
The Urmia Revolutionary Court handed the ruling in Urmia City, western Iran, close to its borders with Turkey.
A new study found that American Muslims are more Islamophobic than most religious groups. The American Muslim Poll 2022: A Politics and Pandemic Status Report by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) said Muslims in America ranked 3rd among religious groups.
On July 20, in the district of Jalore, Rajasthan, a Dalit (Lower-Caste) student studying in the third grade drank from a pot of water that allegedly belonged to an upper caste school teacher. This made the teacher so furious that he thrashed the child and needed to be hospitalized. On August 13, the boy succumbed to his injuries. The incident has caused societal and political turmoil in India.
A kindergarten student was barred from attending her class because her parents are a same-sex couple.
According to parents Emily and Jennie Parker, Bible Baptist Academy in DeQuincy, Louisiana, they were informed about the school’s decision days before the class started.
In New South Wales, Australia, forty-eight-year-old defendant Hamdi Al-Qudsi appeared before the Supreme Court for his trial on July 18th. Al-Qudsi pleaded “not guilty” to charges that he intentionally directed a terrorist organization as he prepared toexecute attacks.
A recently published study shows that anti-Hindu content is becoming increasingly visible across social media platforms, from fringe channels like message board 4chan to mainstream Twitter and Reddit.