A secular activist, who received death threats from Islamist militants in Bangladesh, was recently granted asylum in Germany.
At least eight female models were arrested in Iran last month for posing without headscarves in photos posted online.
The United Methodist Church voted to set up a commission to re-evaluate the current discriminatory rules concerning LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage.
A constitutional body in Pakistan recently proposed a legislation that would permit husbands to lightly beat their wives for various reasons.
Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a lawsuit against House Chaplain Reverend Conroy for rejecting a secular invocation on the floor of the House.
A new report—presented at the European Union parliament—has claimed that it is, in fact, Muslims who are living in a dangerous climate.
Last month, Mayor Perez stated that religious extremists have repeatedly attacked his small village in Spain for promoting its Jewish roots.
According to a new report from a United States commission, the right to exercise religion sustained significant assault around the world in 2015.
The Fellowship of Christian Unions of Kenya does not oppose the registration of Atheists in Kenya, saying they have constitutional rights as atheists.
A group of seven Muslim women who were forced to leave a restaurant in southern California are now suing the business for religious discrimination.