35-year-old woman Shayara Bano from Uttarakhand’ (India) recently moved SC seeking a ban on instantaneous triple talaq, citing her fundamental rights.
The Boy Scouts of America, the largest scouting organization in the USA, changed their rules about gender but not their non-theist policy.
Indonesian woman from the city of Banda Aceh has been punished with 26 lashes for alleged sex outside marriage because it is forbidden by Sharia law.
Even though atheism is legal in India, it doesn’t mean that being an atheist/agnostic in India is easy; actually it is still a cultural taboo.
A gay couple, Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen, has been named for co-pastors in Washington’s church and are set to begin their new jobs on Feb. 26.
Thai female Buddhist monks seek gender equality after being denied access to pay respects to dead King at the Grand Palace.
Around 70 percent of all the mosques in Kashgar city in the restive Xinjiang province of the country were demolished by the Chinese government.
Shelton resident and atheist Jerome Bloom, after displaying his “Let Reason Prevail” sign on the Huntington Green, found that it had been vandalized.
Tim Johnston said in an interview that the Rohingya insurgency has links with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan but it isn’t the strongest cause.
The IHEU has released its annual report, which indicates the degree of discrimination and persecution against non-religious people around the world.